Thursday, June 10, 2010

A couple pages out of my sketchbook

random doodle/sketchbook entries from this summer...

(medium: ink)

I like this because the bottom picture started off as an accident. I started with drawing the top one, didn't like how it was turning out so I coloured in the background with a pink marker. The marker leaked through and left an interesting shape on the other side, so I doodled around with it and came up with this alien creature! I'm going to do this more often!
(medium: ink, pencil crayon, marker)

Finally updating!

I have finally decided to update, since it's been awhile.
Here's a couple things...

A mother's day gift
It's a portrait of my brother and myself (8 and 4 years old maybe?)
(medium: watercolour)

This was a birthday gift for my friend, Regan.
Happy bday!
(medium: watercolour)